When it comes to makeup application, many of us focus on achieving a flawless look without consideri...

Finding health & beauty in everyday life
When it comes to makeup application, many of us focus on achieving a flawless look without consideri...
When it comes to achieving healthy and glowing skin, there is often a lot of buzz around the idea of...
Winter is upon us, and with it unfortunately so are many stuffy noses and potential colds. If you ar...
Are you looking for a way to eliminate dry and flaky patches of skin, or to reduce the size of pores...
Do you suffer from sensitive skin? If so, you may often worry when investing in skincare products, f...
In the year 805, Japanese monks were introduced to green tea while in China, and it was during this ...
Among the many natural oils used in skincare, there are several lesser-known oils such as rice bran ...
As summertime quickly approaches, so do days spent enjoying pool visits or park trips, barbeques and...
It is easy to grow accustomed to the deodorant we have always used, believing it is tried and true, ...
Many of us incorporate coffee into our daily routines, drinking a cup in the mornings and relying on...