Winter is upon us, and with it unfortunately so are many stuffy noses and potential colds. If you...
Pumpkin: What are the health benefits and how to get them
Pumpkin is much more than a filling for a pie or an ingredient in a latte. It's a nutrient-dense, low-calorie fruit with a wide range of uses. It's a must-have component in any pumpkin-based recipe; including those for facials. Before you think you have to go through the trouble of chopping and scooping a fresh pumpkin, remember that canned pumpkin offers just as much, if not more, nutrition. Here are a few of its advantages:
Magnesium & Potassium
Pumpkin has an abundant amount of magnesium and even more potassium than bananas. Both of these things aid in the conversion of blood sugar into useful energy. A daily intake of this healthy fruit, according to Swedish experts, can quadruple your energy levels in as little as 7 days.
If you think canned pumpkin isn’t as good as fresh, think again. One cup of canned pumpkin contains 17-milligrams of beta-carotene, compared to just 0.5 milligram in a cup of mashed, cooked pumpkin flesh. What’s even better is beta-carotene helps relieve the inflammation of arthritis and promotes healing of damaged tissues.
Beta-carotene doesn’t just help on the inside, it also helps repair reduce and repair skin inflammation and skin tissue.
Vitamin A
A half cup of canned pumpkin gives you 380% of your daily value of vitamin A, a nutrient that helps the production of T-cells which fights infection, lessening your chances of getting sick.
Vitamin C
A cup of cooked pumpkin contains 11.5mg of vitamin C which is a powerful vitamin that supports a healthy immune system and also aids in the growth and repair of tissue which also benefits your skin.
Alpha Hydroxy
Pumpkin has natural enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids that brighten skin and boost skin repair when used topically. These elements also help slough off dead skin cells and increase cell turnover.
These are just a few of the wonderful benefits pumpkin provides, so definitely make it a part of your diet any time of the year. To help you get started reaping the benefits of pumpkin for your skin, try this quick and easy face mask:
Quick & Easy Pumpkin Face Mask
1 Tbsp canned pumpkin puree
1 Tbsp honey
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
Mix ingredients in a small bowl.
Using your fingers, spread an even layer on face and let sit for 10 - 15 minutes.
Rinse off with lukewarm water.
Follow up with an all-natural moisturizer.
Frequently Asked Questions About Pumpkin
Is canned pumpkin really healthy?
Absolutely! A one-cup serving of canned pumpkin has 250% of our recommended daily amount of Vitamin A, and is full of other nutrients such as potassium, fiber, and zinc.
What is the healthiest way to eat pumpkin?
Pumpkin smoothies are a quick and easy way to benefits from this nutrient-dense fruit.
How do you make pumpkin face masks?
There are many wonderful ways to incorporate pumpkin into your skin care routine. Here are some other recipes to help achieve gorgeous skin.